
Motorcyclist Killed in Tragic Illinois Truck Accident

Motorcyclists and their passengers face increased dangers while navigating Illinois roads, and car accidents involving motorcyclists are more likely to result in serious injury or death than accidents involving only cars or trucks. According to a local news report, a woman who was riding as a passenger on a motorcycle is dead following a head-on collision with a truck on a roadway in Perry County. It is noted in the report that the driver of the truck was making an illegal pass on a blind curve when he struck the Harley Davidson motorcycle. The impact threw both the operator of the motorcycle and the passenger from the bike, seriously injuring the operator and leaving the passenger dead at the scene.

Negligent drivers pose an extraordinary threat to motorcyclists. Drivers of cars, trucks, and commercial vehicles have a legal duty to pay attention to the road and take care not to endanger anybody else on the road, and they can be held accountable for negligence in the event of a crash. Motorcycles are more difficult to see on the road and may not be riding on areas of the road where other drivers expect to see a vehicle, and collisions between motorcyclists and other vehicles can be catastrophic.

Of course, Illinois motorcyclists and their passengers should always wear a helmet and other protective gear to protect themselves in the event of an accident. However, there is no law in Illinois that requires motorcyclists to wear a helmet. Moreover, negligent drivers who injure or kill a motorcyclist in a crash can be held accountable for all a victim’s damages caused by the crash, regardless of whether the motorcyclist was wearing a helmet.

Any biker or passenger who is injured in an Illinois motorcycle accident may have a claim for compensation against the other vehicle operators involved in the crash. With the advice of legal counsel, a civil Illinois personal injury lawsuit can be pursued to seek damages for the injuries and losses suffered by the motorcycle rider. If a rider or passenger is killed in the crash, their family members or estate may have a claim for damages through an Illinois wrongful death case. In some situations, an injured motorcyclist may be entitled to compensation even if they were committing traffic violations or speeding at the time of the crash. Additionally, an injured passenger may be able to pursue a claim against the driver in control of the bike at the time of the crash.

Have You Been Injured in a Chicago Motorcycle Accident?

If you or a loved one has been injured in an Illinois motorcycle accident, you may be entitled to compensation. Making a claim against an insurance company for damages after an accident can be a difficult process and having a skilled attorney at your side can increase your chance of receiving the compensation you deserve. Illinois motorcycle accident attorneys at the Chicago personal injury law firm, Abels & Annes, P.C. have the knowledge and experience with motorcycle and car accident cases to give our clients peace of mind while they pursue fair damages for their claim. If you have been injured, call 312-924-7575 or contact us online to schedule a free consultation today.

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