
Chicago woman killed in motorcycle accident on North Lake Shore Drive

The Chicago Sun-Times is reporting that a Chicago car versus motorcycle accident has resulted in the death of a local resident. The accident occurred early Monday morning and 3700 block of N. Lakeshore Dr.

Investigating police officers reporting that the motorcycle hit the back of another vehicle as both attempted to change lanes at the same time. The motorcyclist was thrown off her vehicle and struck the pavement. She was pronounced dead at the scene. She was wearing a helmet.

The driver involved was not injured, and was not issued any moving violations at the scene. However, the driver was given three compliance violations (what the violations were for was not reported).

The Chicago Police Department‘s major accident investigation unit is handling the crash reconstruction. They will hopefully be able to determine if the vehicle in front used a turn signal to change lanes, and whether or not any other factors played a role in the crash. It is being reported by WGN-TV that the vehicle may have been missing side view and/or rear view mirrors.

In the year 2009, there were 3,846 motorcycle accidents in the State of Illinois. 130 were killed in those crashes.

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