
Bob Avellini, former Bears Quarterback, Sentenced to Prison for Repeat Drunk Driving Charge

Experts consider drunk driving to be one of the greatest threats to the safety of motorists on American roads. Despite the fact that it is illegal to drink and drive in all 50 states, every year, motorists continue to cause drunk driving accidents that leave others injured, or worse, killed. Many of these accidents take place in Illinois and in the city of Chicago and cause millions of dollars’ worth of damages annually.

Victims may not understand what their rights are or whether they have the ability to seek relief for their losses. In truth, many victims have valid claims for their injuries that are separate and distinct from any traffic charges brought by local police or officials. The facts surrounding a collision and the parties involved may factor into your options, so if you have been involved in a crash, you may want to speak with a personal injury lawyer in Chicago to understand all of your rights.

Former Chicago Bears quarterback Bob Avellini has been arrested six times since 2002 and now is facing time in prison for his most recent brush with the law. After a felony arrest in 2013 for driving under the influence of alcohol, Avellini was recently sentenced to 18 months in an Illinois prison as punishment for the 2013 incident as well as for his prior violations of drunk driving laws. Though Avellini has been arrested six times, this most recent offense represents only his third conviction.

Avellini has claimed that hits sustained during his NFL career led him to become depressed which in turn triggered his drinking.

Known as “Slow-Mo” during his playing days, Avellini grew up in New York before playing college football at Maryland. He was the 135th pick overall in the 1975 NFL draft and began his professional NFL career with the Chicago Bears where he played until 1984. He has maintained ties to the Chicagoland area and has had many of his run-ins with the law in the city.

In some cases, police officers are able to stop and apprehend a drunk driving suspect before a collisions occurs, but in other cases, victims are not as lucky. Once a crash happens, nothing can turn back time and erase that collision or the resulting damage, but relief may be possible.



The personal injury lawyers at Abels & Annes, P.C. have experience representing the victims of these accidents and their family members so we understand how devastating these crashes can be. To help the victims of these collisions, we offer a free case consultation without any obligation to those who call us toll free at (855) 529-2442 or locally at (312) 924-7575 and we provide the consultation 24 hours a day.

We know that being an accident victim can be one of the most stressful times in anyone’s life so the personal injury lawyers at Abels & Annes, P.C. strive to take the burden off of victims’ shoulders. We fight for the best possible outcome in every case we handle and we never charge our clients a fee unless we make a recovery in their cases.

If you have been injured or if your loved one has been hurt or killed, call us today and let us help you seek the relief you deserve.

Prior Blog Entry:

Speed a Factor in Dan Ryan Accident that Caused Amputation of Victim’s Hand, Chicago Car Accident Lawyers Blog, published November 17, 2014.


Bob Avellini sentenced to prison for repeat drunk driving offenses, by Michael David Smith, NBC Sports, published November 20, 2014.

Posted in: DUI
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